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B-L-E-S-S Your Missionaries With Prayer - PDF Format

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Prayers to pray for missionaries using the BLESS acronym. This pdf format allows you to make as many copies of this guide as you need, as long as you are not selling them.
This brochure is packed full of powerful, effective and specific prayers for every missionary you intercede for! Using the acronym BLESS (Body, Labor, Emotional, Social and Spiritual), and written by missionaries Kyle and Kathy Harris, who serve with Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea, your prayers will move to a whole new level: "Your prayers can help missionaries to stay on the field who might otherwise become discouraged and come home. Your prayers can help missionaries to be more effective in their work and service. Your prayers can literally be the difference between life and death for those in missionary service." You will never again be satisfied with the generic prayer, "Lord, bless all the missionaries" again!