The GIving Church will both encourage and challenge users to consider whether or not they should change their giving habits. Each day’s prayer point and sample prayer are designed for God to speak to the user and to shape and mold his or her heart toward being a Kingdom giver.
This prayer initiative is designed to be used:
--By a church or ministry prior to a funding campaign.
--By a church during a sermon series on giving or tithing.
--By a church or ministry prior to a missions' "faith promise" effort.
--By an individual who wants to get his or her heart and giving habits in line with Scripture.
See a Sample
Here is a PDF that includes 5 sample days and multiple copy discount information. It is a great help to those in your church who are considering using The Giving Church in a prayer initiative (pastor, elders, treasurer).
About the Author:
Dave Butts is the president of Harvest Prayer Ministries. He was a local church pastor for 20 years before launching HPM more than 25 years ago. His heart beats for local churches to become houses of prayer. Dave lives in Terre Haute, Indiana with his wife, Kim.